Battling Five Centuries of Exploitation and Greed

For five centuries right up to the present, Americans and Europeans have benefited enormously from an astonishing history of exploitation of the people and natural resources of a country in the heart of Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The people of Congo are fighting back, risking their lives to resist and alter the deadly status quo. And human rights movements led by young people in the U.S. and Europe are supporting those Congolese change-makers. As a result, the way the world deals with Congo is finally changing.

The Enough Project reached out to us beginning of November with needing a book website in under 4 weeks and we answered.

This was built using a SPA frontend application Vanilla JS, and a Wordpress backend. Pages are loaded using turbo links.

Project released: 2018My responsibilities included client relationship, resourcing, backend development, documentation and systems architecture.